martes, 14 de marzo de 2017


Of probable Arab origin, in Antequera (city of the province of Malaga), in the Convent Clares Clarisas, has been elaborated from 1635 with the same recipe prescription and is sold to the pedants through a wood lathe.
Within its orthodoxy there are certain variants in its elaboration. The most frequent ingredients of this dessert are: sugar, almonds, eggs, cider syrup, biscuits and ground cinnamon. It can be served in a whole source or in individual rations in small containers. 

250 grams of raw almonds
425 grams of sugar
250 c.c. of water.
125 grams of sponge cake.
1 can of 500 grams of Angel hair spaghetti squash jam
6 Eggs
Ground cinnamon.
Sugar, glas, Icing sugar to decorate.

1 - Toast the almonds, later to grind them, (that does not stay very fine).
2 - In the mold where we go to make the Bienmesabe, cover the bottom with the biscuits.
3 - In a saucepan pour the water and sugar and cook it on the heat to  make a syrup. Of this syrup we reserved a little more of the half and with the rest with a spoon we stuck the cakes.
4 - Cover the biscuits with a thin layer of Angel hair spaghetti squash jam.
5 - In the cacillo with the syrup that we have removed the ground almonds are added and the eggs well beaten, it mix well, then it is put to slow fire so that it thickens, and when it is already well in its point, is distributed by Above Angel's hair, covering everything.
6 - At the end is covered with a very thin layer of ground cinnamon and is decorated to taste with icing sugar. / FOR 4 PEOPLE.

María Vega.

Resultado de imagen de bienmesabe



History: It is a typical food in Jaen when  people go to the countryside for work and it is a winter food, it is a very old recipe and don’t know the exactly date when it was first cooked.


Serves: 4 people

For andrajos.
350 g  flour
250 ml  water
1 teaspoun  salt
For sauce.
400 g of clam
250 g of prawn
250 g of cod
200 g tomatoes
1 onion
3 corves garlic
1 green pepper
1 red pepper
1 leaf of bay

1.first of all,Chop the onion, the tomatoes, the potatoes, the red peppper and the green pepper and fry them in a pan with oil.
2. After this, add the tomatoes and the leaf of  bay, the cod, the clams and the prawns, latter spinkle with saffron, mint and paprika.
3.Next  add water and cook for 30-40 minutes.
For the dough add flour, water and salt in a bowl and mix everything.
5. Make a sandwich  with the dough and then  put into the pan, cook for 15-20 minutes.

Source: I took the information from my mother.


Resultado de imagen de ANDRAJOS FOTOS